We apologize for any inconvenience, however this meeting has been cancelled until further notice.
British Columbia is currently undergoing a Curriculum Redesign and Graduation Requirement review process. Yukon has also undergone a curriculum review process and will use B.C.’s new competency-based curriculum as a base, with additional and adaptations to fit our northern and Yukon First Nation contexts. The Yukon Department of Education sets the graduation requirements and curricula for Yukon public schools, working closely with the B.C. Ministry of Education to ensure they are aligned and meet consistent standards. Vanier Catholic Secondary School Council invites you to a presentation by Nicole Morgan, Assistant Deputy Minister (Learning, Curriculum, and Assessment) to learn more about: Changes to the B.C. Graduation Program (grades 10-12) and their Grades 10-12 draft curriculum; and Changes to B.C. provincial exams and Yukon’s transition plan to support students during the overlap period between the old and new graduation programs over the next three years, starting in January 2017. The presentation will take place at 7 pm on Tuesday, November 15 in the VCSS Learning Commons (Library) and would be of interest to parents/guardians of current Grade 8 & 9 students. You can be assured that all Yukon students and parents/guardians will be kept up to date with any changes to Yukon's curriculum and graduation requirements should they change. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school for more information. Sincerely, Ryan Sikkes, principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
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