Dear Vanier Students and Families:
Today was a new experience for all our staff as we met virtually through a Microsoft Teams meeting! Lots of good ideas are already emerging that will result in an effective and engaging educational program to start on April 15. We also held our first daily prayer over Instagram Live at 12 noon today – this will continue every weekday and we invite all our students and families to join us. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to make preparations. Here are some other things that will be happening this week:
I know the biggest question on most students’ minds is, “What am I going to do until April 15!?” Here are some suggestions:
I know many of you, especially Grade 12 students, will be anxious to get going on new learning. Again, please be patient and don’t email your teachers asking for work – they’re working on preparing it for you now. Teachers will be in touch soon to outline what will be happening in their classes. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns. Thanks, Ryan Sikkes, principal and Jeanette Gallant, vice-principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
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for news and fun stuff. SFA Cafeteria