Dear Parents and Students, This is the third week of four weeks which make up the season of Advent. This week we reflect on the theme of Joy. In lighting the Advent candles, this is the week the pink candle is lit. This symbolizes a rejoicing or joy that Christ is almost here. In some traditions the third Sunday of Advent is also called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is a Latin word meaning “rejoice”. In his 2014 Gaudete Sunday homily, Pope Francis said that Gaudete Sunday is known as the "Sunday of joy", and that instead of fretting about "all they still haven't" done to prepare for Christmas, people should "think of all the good things life has given you”. Important reflections for all of us. From all of us to all of you, we hope that you have a peaceful and blessed holiday. We look forward to seeing students back at school on Monday, January 4th, 2021! Week-at-a-Glance: Monday Dec 14th
Saturday December 19th- Sunday January 4th, 2021 Enjoy your holiday break! 2021 Monday, January 4th - First Day Back at School! Review week for exams begins Exam Schedule Please see the exam schedules above. If you have questions or concerns, please let us know as soon as possible. Exam week is January 11-14, 2021. Friday, January 15th, is a professional development day. Semester 2 begins January 18th. School Council Meeting To Discuss Vanier Name Change Process You should have received an email last week inviting members of the Vanier community to attend tomorrow night's school council meeting. The invitation link is on the website and also listed above under Tuesday, Dec 15th. A name will not be decided on Tuesday, but the process that will go forward could be of interest to you. Aurora Virtual School for students unable to attend classes at Vanier If your child is unable to attend school next semester, please register with Aurora Virtual School as soon as possible. Aurora’s website is As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. In Peace, Katrina Brogdon, Principal and Alethea Wallace, Vice-Principal News from Vanier - Week of December 7 - 1112/7/2020 Dear Parents and Students, This is the second week of four weeks which make up the season of Advent. This week we reflect on the theme of Peace. There are so many interpretations of what peace means: peace in ourselves, within our families and communities and across the nations of the world. Living in this tumultuous time can certainly disrupt our peace and cause anxiety. The Bible has something to say to us in this age of anxiety, and it is comforting to read these words: 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 Week at a Glance: Monday December 7th
Potential Failure Reports Teachers of students in grades 10-12 will be sending out emails to parents this week if a student is in danger of failing a course. If you do receive an email regarding your child’s potential failure in a course, please respond to the teacher if you have any questions. An Important Reminder: Students Who Need Home Schooling On a Long-Term Basis We have heard from a few parents that they will be keeping their child at home due to COVID-19 risks. Every family is different and only you know the best way to deal with our current situation. A reminder: We will not be able to accommodate students who will be gone for long stretches of time. If there is a reason your child cannot attend school on a long-term basis, please let us know and we will help you with the process of applying for Aurora Virtual School. Vanier students can attend Aurora Virtual School as a “cross-enrolled” student and still have Vanier as their home school. Exam Schedule We will send an exam schedule out before the end of the week. Exam week is January 11-14, 2021. January 15 is a professional development day. The new semester begins January 18th. Masks Thank you to all students and parents who have been so supportive with this new rule. If there are issues with individual students regarding mask use, the parents will be contacted. Lockers Grade 8 and 9 students still have the opportunity to sign up for lockers. Registration forms must be signed by parents and returned as soon as possible. Phones Grade 8 and 9 students should not have their phones out during class time. We will continue to enforce this rule. Thank you to parents for your support of this. Keeping Your Children Home On a Temporary Basis Several parents have contacted the school indicating that they are keeping their children home for health reasons. We support this decision. You are the expert on your children and on your situation. If you know your child will be out for several days, please do the following:
As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. In Peace, Katrina Brogdon, Acting Principal and Alethea Wallace, Vice-Principal News from Vanier - Week of November 30 - December 411/30/2020 Dear Parents and Students, Yesterday was the first day of Advent. The theme for the first week of Advent is Hope. We all need the gift of hope in our lives. Of all the hopes we have for ourselves and our world, we especially have hope for our youth. We recognize that our young people have suffered a lot through the past year, but I believe they can keep their hope of a bright future with the support of the adults around them. These words from Pope Francis inspire us: “Advent is an incessant call to hope; it reminds us that God is present in history to lead it to its ultimate end, to lead it to its fullness, which is the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 Special Announcement from Ryan Sikkes Dear Vanier staff, students, and families: I wish you all blessings as we enter this Advent season and, together, eagerly await the birth of Jesus Christ. This is a difficult message to write as it concerns one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make. After much deliberation and prayer, I have accepted the position of Assistant Deputy Minister, Schools and Student Services at the Department of Education, effective December 17. Until that time, I will remain in my temporary assignment of A/Superintendent, Area 2 and so will not be returning to Vanier. I have spent 16 wonderful years at Vanier Catholic Secondary and consider those whom I have had to privilege to work with as more than just colleagues – they have become more like family. Similarly, the students who have come and gone over the years have given me so much in affirming my vocation as an educator. In my new role, I hope to support all those involved with the public schools in Yukon to give their very best in educating our children. I have an enormous amount to learn as I move into this new role and I will confess more than a little anxiety heading into it. As my responsibilities increase from overseeing 421 students and 57 staff in 1 school to more than 5700 students and over 1000 staff in 30 schools, I will very much need your prayers. The constant support of the Vanier community has been a major source of personal and professional inspiration and I fervently hope I may continue to count on it. I depart Vanier confident that our students are in good hands. I know our students have committed and enthusiastic educators working hard to support them. This goes beyond teachers, and extents to all our educational assistants, office staff, custodial staff, and all the other people who work “behind the scenes” in the service of our kids, including my own. Thank you for all you have given to the Vanier Catholic Secondary school community - it has been an honour and privilege to work alongside and support you as best I could. I continue to be grateful to Ms. Brogdon and Ms. Wallace for their leadership in my absence. I trust that Vanier’s superintendent, Paul McFadyen, the school council, and the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation will continue to work effectively together to ensure effective leadership continues during the coming days, months, and years. Sincerely yours, Ryan Sikkes Thank you for your many years of service Mr. Sikkes. You will be very missed here. Your legacy of strong and compassionate leadership will have a lasting impact on Vanier and we wish you all the best. Sincerely, Ms. Brogdon and Ms. Wallace and all the Vanier family Week at a Glance Monday November 30th
Masks - I Protect You, You Protect Me Starting December 1st, Vanier and many other schools in Yukon will implement mandatory mask rules. As lucky as we are to live in Yukon, we are not protected from Covid-19 by simply living here. We know that masks are not the only measure, but they are a measure we can control and a proven aid in the prevention of Covid-19 spread. The research is clear: individuals with Covid-19 can be symptom free for days, not realizing they are carrying the virus and possibly spreading it to others more at risk than themselves. At Vanier we believe in taking an educational approach in helping youth develop responsibility for self and others. We will continue to take this approach with the mask rules. Simple reminders will be all that is needed for most students. For students who refuse or find it too difficult to be compliant and wear a mask when required, there will be a progression of disciplinary actions. Parents will be contacted and consulted with if there is a problem. I am confident our students will respect this rule. If the past few weeks have been an indication, we have already had great cooperation from students. Lockers Grade 8 and 9 students still have the opportunity to sign up for lockers. Registration forms must be signed by parents and returned as soon as possible. Phones Grade 8 and 9 students should not have their phones out during class time. We will continue to enforce this rule. Thank you to parents for your support of this. Keeping Your Children Home on a Temporary Basis Several parents have contacted the school indicating that they are keeping their children home for health reasons. We support this decision. You are the expert on your children and on your situation. If you know your child will be out for several days, please do the following: Let the office know by phone or email of the absence and the anticipated number of days. That way we can mark your child “absent-excused” and you will not get attendance phone calls. If your child is well enough, have them contact their teachers through rapid identity to let their teachers know. Your child should be able to get the assignments and work they need. If not, please contact your child’s teacher through email or phone the school. Students Who Need Home Schooling on a Long-Term Basis At Vanier we are operating under a blended learning model. In that model we will not be able to accommodate students for long term continuous absences. If there is a reason your child cannot attend school on a long-term basis, please let us know and we will help you with the process of applying for Aurora Virtual School. Vanier students can attend Aurora Virtual School as a “cross-enrolled” student and still have Vanier as their home school As always, please contact us by email or phone if you have any concerns or questions. Have a great week! Katrina Brogdon, Acting Principal and Alethea Wallace, Vice-Principal News from Vanier - Week of November 23-2711/23/2020 Dear Parents and Students, "May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:22 Sunday, November 29 is the start of Advent. In anticipation of this season, we will have our annual Advent Liturgy this Wednesday. The word advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which is translated as “to come to” or “to arrive”. In ancient Rome however, the word adventus was used to describe a “glorious arrival” of an emperor home from a successful battle, or a hero arriving to save a city. Advent is not simply an arrival, it is a glorious arrival, and so we celebrate the season as such. I have included a "good deeds and intentions" advent calendar for you to use with your family at home if you wish. There are many great ideas for gifts and connections that are not things, but actions of the heart and spirit. Have a blessed week and as always, please contact us with any questions or concerns you might have. Katrina Brogdon, Acting Principal and Alethea Wallace, Vice-Principal Week at a Glance Monday November 23rd
End of Term Exams and Mid-term Assessments By the end of next week we will have a draft of the exam schedule ready to send out. For grade 8s and 9s the word "Exam" can sound pretty scary. For these students, the exams will be a mid-term assessment, and different teachers assess in different ways. Not all teachers have traditional paper and pen tests, but may have assessments that are more project, hands-on or skill based, depending on the subject and judgement by the teacher. The same can be said for the senior school teachers. The exams that senior students will take might be in the form of a final project, or a more traditional exam. These will take place in January. Parent and Student surveys The Department of Education is asking all parents and students to fill out a follow up survey on the effects of COVID-19 on learning. Please follow the provided links to fill out the surveys. This information is very valuable to all members of the education community. Parents: The Learning during COVID-19 survey is now available for you to fill out. The survey for parents and students has been sent directly to all families by e-mail. I wanted to follow-up with our school community to make sure that you received the survey. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes. You can fill it out at: For those who may not be able to complete the survey online, they can participate by phone (in English) by calling the Department of Education at 867-667-8238 during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays during the survey period. It will be available from November 23-30, 2020. For more information on the Learning during COVID-19 surveys across this school year, please visit: Students: The Learning during COVID-19 survey is now available for you to fill out. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes. You can fill it out at: Filling out the survey will help us support you this school year and make sure we are doing a good job of protecting your health and safety. Your teachers will also be checking in with you to make sure you have time to fill out the survey during school hours. The survey is open until the end of day Monday, November 30. News from Vanier - Week of November 16-2011/16/2020 Dear Vanier parents and students, God is our refuge and our strength. An ever-present help in times of trouble. Psalm 46:1 This weekend we saw terrifying images and heard heart-breaking news about typhoon Vamco which poured torrential rains and caused massive flooding in the Philippines over the weekend. We are praying for our students and all their friends and families who are affected by this natural disaster. Our “wear a hat, have a heart” fundraiser on Thursday is earmarked for relief organizations working in the Philippines. Principal’s message Attendance, Uncertainty, and Mental Health There is a direct connection between attendance and school success. Some students are struggling right now with their attendance, for a variety of reasons. In reviewing the report cards, I noticed several of our senior students are struggling with their academics and their attendance. We want to work closely with parents to help students attend and succeed. We know it is difficult for students right now. We know that missing classes often leads to more missed classes because it becomes overwhelming to try to catch up. We want our students to be here. Any encouragement you can provide is helpful. Teachers and students are navigating through murky waters this year. No teacher at Vanier was trained to teach during a global pandemic, and students are trying their best to learn under conditions that none of them have any experience in. We are all feeling the pain of separation from family and friends, acclimating to half-day school days, and coping with abbreviated sports seasons. I miss the days of seeing grade 12s hanging around their lockers and reminding them to go to class! I think we are all grieving for the good old days of 2019, and grief takes time to process. The mental health of teens and adults is suffering all over the world, and we are certainly seeing this in our school family. To this end, we have applied for additional supports to help students cope with the complex tasks of juggling a blended learning school year. I am hopefully optimistic about this. As most of you know, we will be staying with the half day model for the remainder of this school year. I have received heartbreaking phone calls and emails from parents about this. You are very worried about your children, and so are we. There is no magic solution I can offer. I have no say or influence over what has been decided regarding the scheduling for the rest of the year. I can pass on your concerns; I can listen, and try my best to help parents, students and staff come up with solutions that will work best for your child. Regarding mental health, there is no doubt that anxiety and depression are affecting many adolescents right now. As a parent of two daughters doing post-secondary programs from the isolation of the kitchen table or their bedroom, I see how frustrating and difficult it is to stay motivated and work on courses for a very unpredictable future. Anxiety is very real for this generation of teens. Between social media pressures, uncertain futures and the isolation of living through a global pandemic, life is anxiety inducing right now. Acknowledging that their anxiety is real is an important support you can provide your child. Encouragement and hopefulness are good medicine at any time. Here is a great Canadian resource on mental health for you. Here to Help is a collaborative website supported by several B.C. and other Canadian mental health organizations. The website is easy to navigate and has resources for children, teens, adults and parents. As always, please reach out to us if you have concerns. Have a safe and happy week. As always, feel free to contact us by phone or email. Sincerely, Katrina Brogdon, Acting Principal and Alethea Wallace, Vice-Principal Week at a Glance Monday November 16th
Student Led Conferences Thank you to all the parents who were able to come to our student led conferences last week. We realize that it is sometimes difficult to attend events such as these and appreciate those who were able to. For those who were not able to attend in person, please contact your child’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress. Report Cards A few parents have contacted the school with concerns about report cards which have not yet arrived. The mail seems to be slow right now, and if you have not received your child’s report card in the mail, we can send a pdf via email to you for any student in grade 10-12. Students in grade 8 and 9 did not receive report cards, but rather self-assessment and informal progress reports from teachers. If you did not receive these reports for your grade 8 or 9 child, feel free to contact their teachers. Emailing teachers is always the easiest way. New Safety protocols from Chief Medical Officer of Health’s office Last week I sent a letter to the entire school community regarding upcoming changes to school operations for Covid-19 safety protocols. As mentioned in the letter, the requirement to wear masks in the school in common areas will be implemented. There is some confusion regarding when these new protocols must be in place. This matter will be discussed at tomorrow’s school council meeting and I will send an update then. Currently, our plan is to implement these protocols starting on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. We remain open to being flexible on this deadline as we wait for further instructions. News from Vanier - Week of November 9-1311/9/2020 Dear Vanier Students and Families, This week is another busy one at Vanier. We are looking forward to seeing you during Student Led Conferences, and hope that you have a relaxing and reflective day on Wednesday for the observance of Remembrance Day. Thoughts on Peace: As we go out into the world, let us remember Jesus’ words “peace be with you” and carry them in our hearts. We ask the Holy Spirit for the courage to share Jesus’ gift of peace through acts of kindness, as a sign of his kingdom’s everlasting peace, where the Father has prepared a place for each of us, beloved sons and daughters of God. Tony Cosentino, Catholic Educator As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email, email [email protected], or call the school at 667-5901. Sincerely, Katrina Brogdon, Acting Principal and Alethea Wallace, Vice-Principal Week at a Glance Monday November 9th · Senior School - Day 1 · Fire Drill @ 11:20 am · JR Social Justice Club @12:15 pm in Learning Commons Tuesday November 10th · Senior School - Day 2 · Remembrance Day Liturgy
· Junior Student Led Conference
· Remembrance Day – No School Thursday November 12th · Senior School - Day 1 · Board Games Club @ 12:15 pm in LC · Workout Club @ 3:30-4:30 pm · Senior Student Led Conference
· Senior School - Day 2 Remembrance Day Remembrance day is on Wednesday, November 11th. We are honoring Remembrance day on Tuesday, however our traditional ceremony will be different this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. Here is information about the Whitehorse ceremony and for a nice discussion around the dinner table, here is a link to the Veteran Affairs Canada “10 Quick Facts on the Poppy” webpage. Royal Canadian Legion WHITEHORSE The annual ceremony held at the Whitehorse Cenotaph near city hall will be carried live on the Royal Canadian Whitehorse Legion Facebook page. Veteran Affairs Canada Report cards mailed last week The office has processed and mailed out all report cards and interim reports. If you haven’t received yours by the end of the week please contact us. Student Led Conferences this week Student Led Conferences will occur this week on Tuesday (Junior school) and Thursday (Senior school). Please see the above schedules. After much thought and consideration, we have decided to keep a similar format as in years past – classrooms will be open for drop-in conferences during specific windows of time to limit the total number of students/families in the school. Each teacher will be assigned to a specific room which will, in most cases, allow for 3 conferences to occur simultaneously. There will be waiting rooms assigned to each teacher if their classrooms are full. We ask that all students and parents/guardians wear masks, especially when waiting or transiting between classrooms in hallways. Cell phones As we noted in previous Monday emails, we are extremely concerned at the cell phone use in the grade 8 and 9 classrooms during learning time. Grade 8 and 9 students should not have their phone out at any time during class time. Parents, we need your help on this. Please talk to your child about their cell phones and the importance of putting them out of hand and out of sight during class time. Each grade 8 and 9 teacher will be asking students to place their phone in a class “phone box” at the beginning of class time. The phones are distracting to your child and others and are taking away from important learning time. Grade 8 & 9 lockers assignments are coming! Due to the colder weather and the need to store coats and boots, we are planning to assign lockers throughout the school to Grade 8 and 9 students. Lockers will be spaced out with 2 lockers between each locker being used. This will mean that lockers may be some distance away from the student’s homeroom classroom. These lockers are only meant to store outerwear and boots, may only be accessed at the start and end of the day along with the start and end of lunch. All class materials will remain being stored in classroom bins. Lockers have always served as a gathering spot for students and this is precisely what we don’t want to have happen. New locker use agreements with Covid-19 rules and processes will be distributed and will be required to be signed prior to the issuance of a locker and lock combination (the school will supply locks – there is no need for students or families to purchase or supply one). Service Learning opportunities We are continuing with our service learning requirements as part of our Religion 8 through 11 requirements (which also help us meet the 30 hours requirement for graduation). We understand that it is more difficult, due to COVID-19, to engage in many of the service learning opportunities that students have engaged in previously. Here are some opportunities that can be done independently and logged/acknowledged by parents: · Babysit or pet-sit · Tutor siblings or sign up for our tutoring program · Do errands, cook for, or otherwise help someone out · Shovel snow · Do something helpful for extended family or your “double bubble” family · Shovel snow at school News from Vanier - Week of November 2-611/2/2020
Today is All Souls' Day All Souls' Day is marked on 2nd November directly following All Saints' Day and is an opportunity for us to commemorate those who have departed. Today’s prayer: God of Comfort, Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faith departed, Through the mercy of God, Rest in peace, Amen Today was a challenging day for travel in and around Whitehorse. We always urge families to stay on the safe side of things and make your best judgements for safe travelling. As a reminder, once students are safely at school on bad weather days, they should stay here at school. It is much safer for them to stay put and wait until the roads are cleared than to try to go home in unsafe conditions. As mentioned last week, our COVID-19 plan has been updated to reflect our expectation that students are wearing masks in common areas like hallways, bathrooms, etc. Many students are still not following the guidelines in the hallways and while we are reminding them and handing out many non-reusable masks, we ask that parents support this expectation and send your child with a reusable mask or have them pick up another reusable mask at the office. Our COVID-19 plan and related documentation can be found here: As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email, email [email protected], or call the school at 667-5901. Sincerely, Katrina Brogdon, acting principal and Alethea Wallace, vice-principal Week at a glance Monday November 2nd
Literacy Assessment this week All Grade 10 students are expected to write their Grade 10 Literacy Assessment this week and were given specific information on how to prepare during short assemblies and by email last week. There will be many opportunities to catch up or rewrite in the future. Grade 11 and 12 students who would like to write or re-write either the Literacy or Numeracy Assessments can see either Ms. Wallace or Ms. Brogdon to sign up for Wednesday’s catch-up/re-write day. Report cards mailed this week The office is the process of verifying and sorting academic interim reports (Junior school) and report cards (Senior school) and will be mailing packages to households with all reports included. Student Led Conferences coming next week Student Led Conferences will occur next week on Tuesday (Junior school) and Thursday (Senior school). After much thought and consideration, we have decided to keep a similar format as in years past – classrooms will be open for drop-in conferences during specific windows of time to limit the total number of students/families in the school. Each teacher will be assigned to a specific room which will, in most cases, allow for 3 conferences to occur simultaneously. There will be waiting rooms assigned to each teacher if their classrooms are full. We ask that all students and parents/guardians wear masks, especially when waiting or transiting between classrooms in hallways. Grade 8 & 9 lockers assignments are coming! Due to the colder weather and the need to store coats and boots, we are planning to assign lockers throughout the school to Grade 8 and 9 students. Lockers will be spaced out with 2 lockers between each locker being used. This will mean that lockers may be some distance away from the student’s homeroom classroom. These lockers are only meant to store outerwear and boots may only be accessed at the start and end of the day along with the start and end of lunch. All class materials will remain being stored in classroom bins. Lockers have always served as a gathering spot for students and this is precisely what we don’t want to have happen. New locker use agreements with Covid-19 rules and processes will be distributed and will be required to be signed prior to the issuance of a locker and lock combination (the school will supply locks – there is no need for students or families to purchase or supply one). OurSchool survey – a Yukon-wide student survey Dear Parent/Guardian, Vanier Catholic Secondary, along with all Yukon schools, will be participating in an online school perception survey for students called the OurSCHOOL Student Survey. Please find the details of the survey implementation below. Who: All students, grades 8 through 12 When: Week of November 2-6 Where: In classrooms using school technology Why: to measure student engagement, increase student involvement & sense of belonging at school About the OurSCHOOL Student Survey:
Survey measures include such topics as behaviours and attitudes linked to student success, emotional and social well-being and physical health. For more information about the OurSCHOOL Student Survey, please visit The Learning Bar’s website: If you have questions or would like to request more information about Vanier’s upcoming implementation of the OurSCHOOL Student Survey, please contact the school or David McInnes [email protected] 867-667-5871. Sincerely, David McInnes Director- Technology and Student Information Yukon Department of Education Service Learning opportunities We are continuing with our service learning requirements as part of our Religion 8 through 11 requirements (which also help us meet the 30 hours requirement for graduation). We understand that it is more difficult, due to COVID-19, to engage in many of the service learning opportunities that students have engaged in previously. Here are some opportunities that can be done independently and logged/acknowledged by parents:
News from Vanier - Week of October 26-3010/26/2020 Dear Vanier students and families:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 Dear Lord, I trust in you. I may not understand but I know you are working things out for my good. Thank you for taking care of me. You never let me down. Amen. The next few weeks will be very busy! The end of this reporting period, Student Led Conferences, Literacy Assessment for Grade 10s (with catch up/rewrite Literacy/Numeracy Assessments for grades 11 and 12), and a Yukon-side student survey are just a few things that are coming up! Please make note of the important dates listed below. As mentioned on Friday, our COVID-19 plan has been updated to reflect our expectation that students are wearing masks in common areas like hallways, bathrooms, etc. Our COVID-19 plan and related documentation can be found here: One of the things we have been working hard at developing in order to build and maintain our sense of community despite the limitations posed by the pandemic was developing a “house families” structure to safely allow for some fun interactions inside and outside of classrooms. We partnered with our Yukon First Nations partners to develop a system of 4 families within our school based on the medicine wheel:
Finally, this will likely be the last News from Vanier email from Mr. Sikkes for the next while as he is taking a temporary assignment at the Department of Education. Ms. Katrina Brogdon will be acting as principal during his absence. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email, email [email protected], or call the school at 667-5901. Sincerely, Ryan Sikkes, principal and Alethea Wallace, vice-principal This week at a Glance...and then some! Monday, October 26th
Online bullying and sexting parent information session In response to the growing concerns of the cyberbullying that is occurring amongst youth in Whitehorse, FH Collins will be hosting a live webinar for parents presented by The White Hatter on Monday, November 2nd from 7pm to 9 pm. FH Collins is very kindly allowing Vanier parents/guardians to sign for this workshop. In order to access the parent presentation, we require your consent to provide The White Hatter with your email address. They will then send out a link and access code for the presentation. If you want access to this presentation, please email [email protected] or call the FH Collins main office at 667-8665 with your name and the email address you will be using for the presentation. We need confirmation of permission by October 28th. This session includes a 30-minute presentation on Monitoring, Filtering, and Other Tools for Parents & Caregivers. This company has been recommended by the RCMP to help educate parents and students on these topics. More information about this company can be found online at: A recording of the webinar will be available for those that cannot sign in on November 2nd. Teen Sexting, Nudes, Distribution of Intimate Images, and the Law (60 minutes + 30-minute Q&A) This program covers teen “sexting” based on academic peer-reviewed research, laws, and our investigative experience to help teens understand consent, choices, consequences and how they can take specific actions to reduce legal liability and reduce harm emotionally, psychologically, physically and socially specific to this subject. Monitoring, Filtering, and Other Tools for Parents & Caregivers (30 minutes) An overview of the various tools and resource available for families to help manage online connection and communication. No tool is 100% effective but learn about the products and resources that we recommend for families. Literacy Assessment 10 next week Literacy and Numeracy Assessments at the Grade 10 level are graduation requirements. These assessments are written online. Vanier usually has students write their Literacy Assessments in the fall and Numeracy in the winter during the weeks that are designated for the assessments determined by the British Columbia Ministry of Education. We will have short assemblies for the Grade 10 students who need to write their assessments on Tuesday, October 27 near the end of each shift. While these assessments are required for graduation, there is no minimum score required to graduate. Students who are unsatisfied with their score may choose to rewrite their assessments up to two more times. For more information about the Literacy Assessment, as well as links to practice assessments, visit: Report cards mailed next week Teachers are required to submit their academic interim reports (Junior school) and report card marks (Senior school) to the office by the end of this week. Students who have overdue or missed assignments need to get those handed in right away so teachers can mark them and include them in the report card mark. Student Led Conferences will happen on November 10 (Juniors) and 12 (Seniors) and will focus on the interims and report cards sent home. Due to COVID-19 most of these conferences will happen at home, but some students and families will have the opportunity to book an in-person appointment at the school, over the phone, or on Zoom during those days. Service Learning opportunities We are continuing with our service learning requirements as part of our Religion 8 through 11 requirements (which also help us meet the 30 hours requirement for graduation). We understand that it is more difficult, due to COVID-19, to engage in many of the service learning opportunities that students have engaged in previously. Here are some opportunities that can be done independently and logged/acknowledged by parents:
Halloween and All Souls Day Halloween is, of course, this coming Saturday and we do welcome students to wear appropriate costumes to school this Friday if they so choose. We will also pray in a special way as a school the following Monday, November 2 – All Souls’ Day – for all those who have died. School Handbook Our school council, at their recent AGM, approved our updated School Handbook. It was not completely overhauled to reflect the COVID-19 changes, but will still serve as a valuable resource for students and parents/guardians on many topics. The updated version can be found on our website: Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
Aug 28: x=1 Sept 4: x=5 Sept 18: x=3 Oct 2: x=7 Oct 16: x=8 Oct 30: x=6 Nov 13: x=3 Nov 27: x=5 Dec 4: x=7 Dec 18: x=3 Jan 8: x=1 Semester Two X-Block Dates Jan 22: x=3 Feb 5: x=5 Feb 19: x=3 Mar 5: x=6 Mar 26: x=3 Apr 2: x=5 Apr 16: x= 3 Apr 30: x= 5 May 7: May 21: Jun 4: 2024/25 PLC Dates: September 11th and 25th October 9th and 23rd November 6th and 20th December 11th January 29th February 12th and 26th April 9th and 23rd May 14th and 28th My child is feeling ill or has symptoms. Can my child go to school?
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