Well, here we are. The last two weeks of school are upon us. Like much of life under COVID, we have had some mixed experiences, but I like to think we are ending on a high note.
Our students will come back all a little older. This is a time of noticeable change for our students. The older they get, the more noticeable the change. So parents, guardians, enjoy the summer with your children, for they won’t be children much longer. This is one parcel of wisdom I have picked up in my wizened state. I want to sincerely apologise to those who did not get an invitation to our recent Awards I ceremony last Tuesday. A glitch in our school record program, Aspen, prevented some invitations from going out to parents. I am as disappointed as many of you. It was a good night, and to think that many didn’t make it because of computer glitch makes me sick. We have come up for a work around for our Awards II celebration on Wednesday, June 8 in the afternoon. Again, my sincerest apologies. Events The Final Exam Schedule is posted to our website, vcss.ca. If you have any conflicts, please let Ms. Wallace, our VP, know ASAP. She can be reached at [email protected]. The schedule is heavy on the front but light on the back end. Exams start Thursday, June 9. The Last Day of Classes is Wednesday, June 8. Classes will be as normal as possible for the AM. At lunch we are hoping that members of the RCMP will be able to take on our grad class for the Jim Giczi Memorial Dodgeball Tournament. Then, we will have a Pizza lunch brought to us by Jhennette, Kim, and Jerry from the Cafeteria and the YFNED. We will follow this up with the Awards II celebration where we give out the non-subject related prizes. We will have a locker clean-out, and then call it. It is a PLC, so we have an early dismissal. Tuesday, June 7, there will be a school council meeting in the Learning Commons at 7 PM. Any folks interested in training for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori approach to forming young children (ages 3-12) in the faith, please contact [email protected] and have a look at the poster on our website. Report cards should be able to be mailed out by June 20th. The 2022-2023 school year begins Monday, August 22. Grades 8s will have an orientation in the afternoon of Friday, August 19. Finally, I will be back in the classroom next year teaching senior classes. Thank you for your kind words over the past year. We have no news on a new principal, nor do we know much about the new name for the school. May Christ’s love colour all you do throughout the summer. See you next year! Blessings, KJ Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
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