Dear St. Francis of Assisi students and families,
Prayer Loving God, You are present to us whenever we gather as a faith community. We pray that our schools will be places where everyone feels accepted, safe, and beloved. Help our schools and our local communities be places of faith so that we can help others believe in You. Fill us with Your Spirit so that we may reflect Your light and love to each other and the whole world as one Body of Christ. We ask this of Jesus, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Catholic Education Week Catholic Education Week is October 19-25, 2024. We offer joyful thanksgiving for the gift of Catholic education, which has served nations for centuries by teaching students in their faith. The 2024 theme of Catholic Education Week is Testify! Share the reason for your Hope! “But in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3:15) Our mission is to provide a Catholic education that inspires students to learn and prepares them to live fully and to serve God in one another. We are thankful for the opportunity to provide a faith-based education to students in Whitehorse, and for the teachers, administrators, parents, students, priests, and parishioners who are committed to Catholic education. Wear Blue for Catholic Education - Thursday, October 24 We are asking students and staff to wear blue on Thursday, October 24 to celebrate Catholic Education! Blue is a powerful symbol of constancy, fidelity, genuineness, and aspiration. It also holds a special connection to the Blessed Virgin Mary, making it a fitting choice during October, the month of the rosary. By wearing blue, we recognize and celebrate the vital role publicly funded Catholic schools play in shaping both education and faith. Let’s come together to visibly show our support and pride in Catholic education! Media Literacy Week Canada’s 18th annual Media Literacy Week takes place October 21-25 and it’s an opportunity to put the spotlight on digital media literacy, and how essential it is that we all know how to use, understand and engage with the digital media we use every day. If you would like some information and practical tips for parents and trusted adults to support the young people in their lives through digital issues, please visit the parent tab on the Media Smarts website at, or click here for the digital citizenship guide for parents. Upcoming Dates October 28 to November 1 – BC Assessments (for grades 10 and 12) Wednesday October 23rd - PLC Wednesday October 30th – x-block is 6 Wednesday November 6th – PLC and Student Led Conference Friday November 8th – No School Monday November 11th – No School for Remembrance Day Tuesday November 12th – PD Day, No School for Students Wednesday November 13th – x-block is 3 Please do not hesitate to call the school at 667-5901 if you have any questions or concerns. Join us on Instagram @stfrancisyukon. Blessings, The St. Francis of Assisi Admin Team, Alethea Wallace, Principal; Mia Ouellette, Vice-Principal; Tanner Cassidy, Vice Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
Aug 28: x=1 Sept 4: x=5 Sept 18: x=3 Oct 2: x=7 Oct 16: x=8 Oct 30: x=6 Nov 13: x=3 Nov 27: x=5 Dec 4: x=7 Dec 18: x=3 Jan 8: x=1 Semester Two X-Block Dates Jan 22: x=3 Feb 5: x=5 Feb 19: x=3 Mar 5: x=6 Mar 26: x=3 Apr 2: x=5 Apr 16: x= 3 Apr 30: x= 5 May 7: May 21: Jun 4: 2024/25 PLC Dates: September 11th and 25th October 9th and 23rd November 6th and 20th December 11th January 29th February 12th and 26th April 9th and 23rd May 14th and 28th My child is feeling ill or has symptoms. Can my child go to school?
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Follow our Instagram @stfrancisyukon
for news and fun stuff. SFA Cafeteria