We are beginning our planning for the 2023-2024 school year and will be distributing course planning worksheets to all students during the week of February 27th to March 3rd.
Currently, the Yukon graduation program begins in Gr. 10, so it is recommended that all Gr. 9 students and parents/guardians understand the graduation requirements before choosing courses for next year. We would like to invite all Gr. 9 students, parents/guardians to an important information evening where the graduation program will be outlined, the various options students have for courses such as Mathematics or second languages will be described in detail, and any questions relating to graduation requirements will be answered. Grade 10 and 11 parents who would have further questions regarding course selection are welcome to attend; however, this session focuses mainly on the transition from grade 9 to 10. This meeting will be on Monday February 27th at 6:30 p.m. in the learning commons. You also have the option of joining via zoom: Following is the zoom link: Mia Ouellette is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8636669481?pwd=VWQvUzc4VFVScXJuVnNOZjhDMXNnQT09 Meeting ID: 863 666 9481 Passcode: 8vfJwH Comments are closed.
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