Dear St. Francis of Assisi students and families,
We recognize the need to remember that to be prepared for unexpected events in our life means we must work together – we pray for good people to work together in unity, peace, and healing. Let us pray Our world needs people of integrity: whose word is their true promise; who put a solid character above wealth; who possess opinions, a strong will and a sharp mind; who will be as honest in all things; who will make no compromises in living truth; whose ambitions go beyond selfish desires to the good of all and our earth; who will not mindlessly follow "because everybody else does it;" who are true to their friends through good times and bad, in hardship as well as in success; who believe that hard work, faithfulness, honesty and responsibility are the best qualities for winning success; who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular; who can confidently say "no”, although all the rest of the world says "yes." Our world needs people of one mind and heart to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Our world needs people of faith who rely on their God’s wisdom. Amen. School Council Update: A huge thank you to parent volunteers who helped out with pizza lunches at the school over the last few months. This raised approximately $700 which the Council will put towards activities that support student clubs and help improve student experiences at the school. Thank you to Shanna Epp, Kim Thompson, Jennifer Dehart, Ryan Sikkes, James Paterson, Sarah Holmberg and Chelsea White. A special thank you to Shanon Cooper who attended each pizza lunch as the School Council representative, and to Ms. Wallace, Ms. Clarke and Ms. Ouellette who helped things run smoothly each time. Our first Council-supported event will start this week and it is free after-school yoga classes each Wednesday of May. Youth mental health is a relevant and important topic for all of us. Yoga is a small way to support students in self-care and connection. The sessions are open to all St. Francis students. Please encourage your young people to consider attending. Sessions are 3:30-4:30 on May 10,17,24 and 31. Students do not need to register in advance, and can come to one or all of the sessions. Please feel free to contact the School Council if you have ideas, concerns, or an interest in volunteering. Email is [email protected] Happy Spring! Yearbook FINAL CHANCE TO BUY A YEARBOOK! This is your last chance – as in after May 26th you will not be able to buy the 2023 Yearbook again!! This year’s book has been highly anticipated among the students as it will contain a brand-new feature. Yearbook+ allows buyers to scan select photos in the book to view even more pictures that didn’t make it into the final printed copy. It’ll give you access to the some 2,000+ photos taken here and around the school at various events, all available on your smart phone. What incredible value for only 40$! Don’t miss out! Click this link: to order your book today! SFA Clubs Yoga Free yoga on Wednesdays in May starting Wednesday! Come try out the new studio equipment and practice a little self care going into exams. Open to all students, no experience necessary. Classes will begin at 3:30 in Rm 43. Special thanks to the SFACSS School Council for supporting this student wellness initiative. Athletics Track And Field It's Track and Field season!! The track meet is on May 24 at FH. Events – 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 4x100m relay, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, Demo – Triple Jump. Please see your physical education teacher for more information! Cafeteria Menu options for week of May 8 to May 12; click here St. Francis Activities Monday, May 8
**Twenty more days of class – Exam Week is June 8th to 15th** Please do not hesitate to call the school at 667-5901 if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, The St. Francis of Assisi Admin Team, Alethea Wallace, A/Principal; Mia Ouellette, A/Vice-Principal; Janet Clarke, A/Vice Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
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