Dear St. Francis of Assisi students and families,
Lenten Prayer Almighty and Everlasting God, You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Saviour as a model of humility. He fulfilled Your Will by becoming man And giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear witness to You By following His example of suffering And make us worthy to share in His Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen. Grade 9 to 10 Information Parent Information Night – The move into grade 10 is a big step. This is when classes start counting toward graduation. There will be a presentation on graduation requirements/high school credits for the parents of students in grade nine going to grade ten on February 28th from 6:30-8:00. Hopefully we can answer your questions and fill you in on the last, best three years of your student’s high school experience. Parent Session The Family Resource Unit will be facilitating a workshop next week on February 27th, in the Learning Commons at 6:00 pm. This is a support program for Yukon families and caregivers prenatally to those with children aged 19 years and under. This parent support group is offered to support you and your family in achieving your goals, assisting with family functioning, supporting you with your relationships with your child and adolescents, and any other relevant topics to Yukon families. Topic: Talking with your Teen: Vaping Culture Day Celebrate cultural diversity and collective heritage here at St. Francis this Thursday! Student government will be hosting an assembly in the afternoon. There will be tasty fresh maple taffy at our cabane à sucre, plus music and laughter. Dress to express! Friday, February 23 NO SCHOOL - Enjoy the weekend!! Please do not hesitate to call the school at 667-5901 if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, The St. Francis of Assisi Admin Team, Alethea Wallace, Principal and Mia Ouellette, Vice-Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
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