Dear St. Francis of Assisi students and families,
Lenten Prayer Almighty and Everlasting God, You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Saviour as a model of humility. He fulfilled Your Will by becoming man And giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear witness to You By following His example of suffering And make us worthy to share in His Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen. What is Lent? Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It is a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord’s resurrection at Easter. During Lent we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting. Lent can be an incredibly rewarding time in our faith lives. Please join us, if you are available, for our Liturgy on Wednesday between 10:00 and 11:00 in the small gym. Shrove Tuesday Feast St. Francis Families, please join us for a free Pancake Breakfast Feast on Tuesday, February 21 from 7:30 to 9:00 am, provided by SFACSS Administration with generous support from Yukon First Nations Education Directorate! It will be held in the school cafeteria, and everyone is welcome! Pink Shirt Day Pink Shirt Day is Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Pink Shirt Day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has now become a national day of anti-bullying across Canada and other countries around the world! Bullying, cyberbullying and harassment jeopardize learning and can severely impact a child’s mental, emotional and physical health. On Wednesday, St. Francis students and staff are encouraged to wear pink to signify the stand against bullying. For additional support, please see the resources in the following links:
Reminder of School Expectations We have been visiting all classrooms to remind students of a few of the St. Francis student expectations. Here is a list for you of the ones that we feel need to be addressed so that you can help us in keeping students aware of them. Lates: we are seeing more students arriving to classes after the final bell. This is disruptive to the learning of all students in the class. Obviously, at times, arriving late to school cannot be avoided due to late buses or traffic. We encourage all students who are at school on time to listen for the warning bell and move quickly towards their class so that they are in their seat with their supplies when the final bell goes. This goes for all classes during the day, not just the first class of the day. If we see a particular student showing a trend of being continually late, they will stay in at lunch to do schoolwork for the time that they have missed. Students leaving school early to catch the City Bus Our school day ends at 3:14 pm. There is a City Bus that departs the Duke Rd. bus stop at 3:05 pm. Students who have parent/guardian permission are permitted to leave their class early to catch this bus. Please email the school at [email protected] if you wish your student to be on this list of students. Students who are not on the list will not be permitted to leave. Note: there is a City Bus that departs from Duke Road at 3:25 pm and buses that leave the stop on Lewes Blvd at 3:27 pm and 3:47 pm. Click here to see the transit schedule. Hats: as stated in the SFACSS School Handbook section 7 (, "Hats or other head coverings (other than those worn for religious reasons) are not to be worn in the school.". Students must leave hats at home or in their lockers during the school day. We often have fundraising "Hat Day" in which students pay a small fee to wear their hat. Let's keep hat wearing for this special day. Cell phones: it is up to individual teachers to enforce the use of cell phones in a class. However, as a general rule, cell phones are not to be used during class time. This includes during spare blocks in the Learning Commons. Students will be asked to put the phone away to cut down on distractions. Grad We are still looking for parents of grade 11 students who can help with the grad mass reception that will take place on May 31st. This is a St. Francis tradition, however we had to put it on pause during COVID; this year we would really like to bring this tradition back. Please reach out to Mr. Cassidy at [email protected] if you think you may be able to help in any capacity. Cafeteria Menu options for week of February 20 to February 23; click here St. Francis Clubs Our newest club: Dungeons and Dragons Club Do you want to collaborate and problem solve while building empathy and self-confidence? If yes then D&D Club is for you! Join us in the Learning Commons on Wednesdays. Participants will create characters from fantasy archetypes like the honorable paladin as we are lead on a journey that challenges the heroes to accomplish thrilling tasks. Free to join and NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30pm. Come and talk to Ms. Clarke to sign up. St. Francis Activities Black History Month – Film Festival – Every Wednesday at Lunch in the LC Monday, February 20
Pancake Feast in the cafeteria - free for the entire school community! Bring family and friends! 7:30 - 9:00 am.
Pink Shirt Day
Cabane à Sucre- times to be announced
NO SCHOOL - Enjoy the weekend!! Please do not hesitate to call the school at 667-5901 if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, The St. Francis of Assisi Admin Team, Alethea Wallace, A/Principal; Mia Ouellette, A/Vice-Principal; Janet Clarke, A/Vice Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
Aug 28: x=1 Sept 4: x=5 Sept 18: x=3 Oct 2: x=7 Oct 16: x=8 Oct 30: x=6 Nov 13: x=3 Nov 27: x=5 Dec 4: x=7 Dec 18: x=3 Jan 8: x=1 Semester Two X-Block Dates Jan 22: x=3 Feb 5: x=5 Feb 19: x=3 Mar 5: x=6 Mar 26: x=3 Apr 2: x=5 Apr 16: x= 3 Apr 30: x= 5 May 7: May 21: Jun 4: 2024/25 PLC Dates: September 11th and 25th October 9th and 23rd November 6th and 20th December 11th January 29th February 12th and 26th April 9th and 23rd May 14th and 28th My child is feeling ill or has symptoms. Can my child go to school?
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for news and fun stuff. SFA Cafeteria