Prayer on Orange Shirt Day
Vibrant God Your creation explodes with the colours of the rainbow Your peoples reveal the beauty of diversity We remember today when the joy and dignity of a precious child was destroyed. We lament today for the childhoods lost through the residential school system. We mourn for the spirits crushed and the futures compromised. Celebrate the hope and joy of every child Tell the stories of resistance that make us stronger Build the bonds of solidarity to ensure “never again” In the name of the one who was child among us Amen. Liturgy and Orange Shirt Day On Friday we will have our Truth and Reconciliation Liturgy at 10 am. Students are also encouraged to wear orange shirts to remember and honour the children who attended Residential Schools. Our school has also raised the Every Child Matters flag for Truth and Reconciliation Week. Sexual Education Letter Please click here to see a letter from Yukon Education that describes the sexual health curriculum in Yukon Schools. This letter can also be found on our website here. Informal Reports Informal Reports and Behaviors for Success will be going home this week. Some teachers are sending emails, and some will send their report in the mail. St. Francis Feast and Celebration Save the Date!! On Wednesday October 4, our feast to celebrate St. Francis will occur at 5:00 pm in the cafeteria. You are all invited to join us. Catechesis There is catechesis for adults and parents presented by the Catholic Diocese of Whitehorse this year: Called to Love: Education in the Faith, and Vocation within the Family. If you would like more information, please click here. Sacramental Preparation Confirmation classes will begin on October 16, from 6:30-8:00pm at the CYO hall. If you would like more information, please attend the Parent Information Session on September 25 at 7:00 pm (tonight!) at the CYO Hall at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Student Clubs and Athletics Please visit our website for information on Clubs and Activities that we are offering this year. In addition, Saint Francis Athletics are also outlined on this page. Please click here for more information. 4 Day Weeks A reminder that September 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. There is no school on Monday October 2nd. The following week, Monday October 9th is Thanksgiving Day, there is no school then either. Please do not hesitate to call the school at 667-5901 if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, The St. Francis of Assisi Admin Team, Alethea Wallace, Principal and Mia Ouellette, Vice-Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
Aug 28: x=1 Sept 4: x=5 Sept 18: x=3 Oct 2: x=7 Oct 16: x=8 Oct 30: x=6 Nov 13: x=3 Nov 27: x=5 Dec 4: x=7 Dec 18: x=3 Jan 8: x=1 Semester Two X-Block Dates Jan 22: x=3 Feb 5: x=5 Feb 19: x=3 Mar 5: x=6 Mar 26: x=3 Apr 2: x=5 Apr 16: x= 3 Apr 30: x= 5 May 7: May 21: Jun 4: 2024/25 PLC Dates: September 11th and 25th October 9th and 23rd November 6th and 20th December 11th January 29th February 12th and 26th April 9th and 23rd May 14th and 28th My child is feeling ill or has symptoms. Can my child go to school?
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for news and fun stuff. SFA Cafeteria