Dear St. Francis of Assisi students and families,
Prayer for Holy Week O Father, most merciful, in the beginning you created us, And by the passion of your only Son you created us anew. Work in us now, both to will and to do what pleases you. Since we are weak and can do no good things by ourselves, Grant us your grace and heavenly blessing, that in whatever work we engage we may do all to your honor and glory. Keep us from sin and empower us daily to do good works, That as long as we live in the body we may always perform service to you. After our departure give us pardon of all our sins, and receive us to eternal life; Through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. OurSchool Survey Students will be participating in the OurSchool Survey this week. This survey allows students to share their feedback anonymously on their experiences at school, school environment, and school improvement programs. Please see the attached letter for more information. Click here. Student Led Conferences Report cards will be sent home next week. Please save the date: Thursday April 20th for our Student Led Conferences (3:30pm to 7:00pm). Yearbooks The 2023 Yearbook is now for sale! This will be the first St. Francis of Assisi yearbook ever. Not only are you getting a memento of all the amazing things we do here - you’re also getting a piece of history. For Yearbook 2022, we had a sizeable waiting list at the beginning of this year for people who did not order one when they had the opportunity. Unfortunately, most people on that list did not get the 2022 Yearbook. We only receive enough books to fill orders placed on time. I would love if everyone here at SFACSS had a Yearbook in their hands! Let’s make it happen this year. The Yearbook costs $40 and all orders must be in by May 26th. Orders ship in September and are picked up at the school. Click here! Or scan the QR code on any Yearbook 2023 posters around the school. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. -Ben van Klaveren : Yearbook and Media Design teacher Cafeteria Menu options for week of April 3 to April 7; click here St. Francis Clubs Carving Club Open to all students, no experience necessary. Make woodcarving projects under the guidance of renowned carver Duran Henry. Friday lunchtimes from now until June 2nd in the wood shop – room 28. Bring your lunch, bring a friend, see you there! Pysanky Club Easter is right around the corner! Over the next two weeks, come to Room 22 Tuesday at lunch or during PLC to learn how to make beautiful, unique Ukrainian Easter eggs! See Ms. Olejarz for more information J Run Club Run Club begins on April 6th and will continue every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30ish. All levels and abilities of runners are welcome. Tuesday runs will generally be run on trails, whereas Thursdays will be on pavement and at the track, focusing on speed work. Participants will have the opportunity to race in Carmacks on May 5th, at the St. Francis Run on May 18th, as well as at the Forestry Run in Haines Junction on May 26th. Any students wishing to participate in the track & field meet are highly encouraged to join. Please email Ms. Seymour for more information: [email protected] St. Francis Activities Monday, April 3
Important dates April 5 – X-block is 3 April 7 – Good Friday – No School April 10 – Easter Monday – No School April 12 - PLC April 12 – Report Cards mailed home April 19 – X-block is 5 April 20 – Student Led Conferences April 26 - PLC Please do not hesitate to call the school at 667-5901 if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, The St. Francis of Assisi Admin Team, Alethea Wallace, A/Principal; Mia Ouellette, A/Vice-Principal; Janet Clarke, A/Vice Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
Aug 28: x=1 Sept 4: x=5 Sept 18: x=3 Oct 2: x=7 Oct 16: x=8 Oct 30: x=6 Nov 13: x=3 Nov 27: x=5 Dec 4: x=7 Dec 18: x=3 Jan 8: x=1 Semester Two X-Block Dates Jan 22: x=3 Feb 5: x=5 Feb 19: x=3 Mar 5: x=6 Mar 26: x=3 Apr 2: x=5 Apr 16: x= 3 Apr 30: x= 5 May 7: May 21: Jun 4: 2024/25 PLC Dates: September 11th and 25th October 9th and 23rd November 6th and 20th December 11th January 29th February 12th and 26th April 9th and 23rd May 14th and 28th My child is feeling ill or has symptoms. Can my child go to school?
Click here for more information. Online services:
Follow our Instagram @stfrancisyukon
for news and fun stuff. SFA Cafeteria