Dear St. Francis of Assisi students and families,
Prayer Dear Lord, Please allow me to embrace Advent in the way the Church intends: as a way to prepare for Your arrival. May everything I do - every gift I send, every party I attend, every meal I share - remind me to prepare space in my heart for You. Amen. Explore Program What is EXPLORE? Explore is an intensive French-immersion program that is offered during the spring and summer. If you are interested in learning or improving French and travelling to a new part of Canada, then Explore might be the perfect program for you. You do not have to have any experience or previous knowledge of French to participate in this program. Key Reasons Why People Love Explore
Program Length For high school participants 16 and older, Explore institutions offer summer sessions, which last between 31 and 33 days. For 13- to 15-year-olds, three-week summer sessions are available. FOR MORE DETAILS AND INFORMATION, GO TO: If you have specific questions, contact Mme Hamel at [email protected] DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2023 Liturgy – For an End to Gender-Based Violence On December 6, we remember the women killed at the École Polytechnique de Montréal 33 years ago, but also all the women who are still victims of violence today. Every woman and every girl has the right to a life free of violence. This is a time to further our collective action to end violence against women and girls for good. This takes all of us working together in our own countries, regions and communities, at the same time, towards the same goal. It is time for united action from all, so that women and girls around the world can live free from harassment, harmful practices, and all other forms of violence. Christmas Wrapping Grad Fundraiser The grad class will be wrapping presents at Walmart on December 10/11th and 17/18th from 10:00am –6:00pm. You can drop off gifts and have them wrap them up for you, and you can also return later in the day to pick up your wrapped gifts. The cost is by donation. Grad 2023 thanks you for your support! Basketball Gear All items can be customized with a last name (there is no charge for this on the bag) and if you select the option to ship to the school, there is no shipping cost. A portion of sales will go towards supporting St. Francis Athletics, so feel free to share with friends and family. Orders must be in by December 11th. Let Mr. Cassidy know if you need any assistance. St. Francis Clubs
St. Francis Activities Share the Spirit Activities continue.... Monday, December 5
Please do not hesitate to call the school at 667-5901 if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, The St. Francis of Assisi Admin Team, Alethea Wallace, A/Principal; Mia Ouellette, A/Vice-Principal; Janet Clarke, A/Vice Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
Aug 28: x=1 Sept 4: x=5 Sept 18: x=3 Oct 2: x=7 Oct 16: x=8 Oct 30: x=6 Nov 13: x=3 Nov 27: x=5 Dec 4: x=7 Dec 18: x=3 Jan 8: x=1 Semester Two X-Block Dates Jan 22: x=3 Feb 5: x=5 Feb 19: x=3 Mar 5: x=6 Mar 26: x=3 Apr 2: x=5 Apr 16: x= 3 Apr 30: x= 5 May 7: May 21: Jun 4: 2024/25 PLC Dates: September 11th and 25th October 9th and 23rd November 6th and 20th December 11th January 29th February 12th and 26th April 9th and 23rd May 14th and 28th My child is feeling ill or has symptoms. Can my child go to school?
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for news and fun stuff. SFA Cafeteria