Greetings everyone, What a beautiful time of year! Get out there and enjoy the colours. As we all know, the pageantry is on display for a short time only. Sick and at School Firstly, we have seen many students and staff battling with some sort of cold these past couple of weeks. While it isn’t COVID-19, we must still take it seriously. Just a reminder that if you are not feeling well, please stay home. All teachers should have work posted to MS-Teams for just such occasions. If you are unable to get through to MS-Teams, please send a message to teachers or contact the office. Please take of yourselves and one another. The Election Elections Canada will be running a polling station in our large gym on Monday, Sept 20 all day. Ms. Sharma will be hosting a student poll from 9:00 to 12:35 in the Learning Commons. Reconciliation Liturgy We will be having a reconciliation-themed liturgy on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 10:00 for the grade 8 and 9s, and again at 11:15 for the grades 10/11/12s. We will have a few guests. If you are interested in attending this liturgy, you are welcome, but please stop by the office to let us know you are here. It is entirely appropriate to wear an orange shirt. Permission Forms All families should have received a copy of a permission form that allows students to go off-site for school-based activities in the neighbourhood. If you can print it off, please sign it and send it with your student who can drop it off at the office. We will be sending hard-copies home on Monday for a prompt return on Tuesday if home-printing is an issue. Also, a package of forms went home. For those who have brought their forms in, your name will be entered into a draw for a $250 VISA gift card. Terry Fox Run The first event covered with this permission form is the annual Terry Fox Run/Walk on Wednesday, Sept 22 at 11:09. Students will gather in the small gym for a brief presentation and then head out for our walk through the neighbourhood. Please bring in a donation. Terry wanted a dollar from every Canadian. We can honour that! Thanks to Mr. Willoughby and his Socials 10 class for organizing this. SWIS Worker The Settlement Worker in the School (SWIS) program has returned. Every Friday, Maryknoll and/or Junsu will be in the board room to help students and their families who are new to Canada get settled in. Drop by and make a new friend. Picture Days! Next week, on Monday Sept 27 and Tuesday Sept 28, Star Flower photography will be at school taking photos of all students. Even if you aren’t interested in a package, we ask that all students take photos for our records. Please see attached some guidelines from Star Flower, ‘Tips for a Good Student Portrait.' Volleyball Students were involved in the Early Bird Tournament action on the weekend at the various high schools. The good times continue with SuperVolley starting on Wednesday, Sept 22. Grade 9/10 girls from 3:30 -5:30 immediately followed by the senior boys. Tutoring If students are interested in tutoring others for a variety of classes, please sign up with Ms. Johnston or Ms. Seloterio for the tutor training. Pay rates are good, and you can help your fellow students. This last piece is in keeping with the Gospel message from this Sunday. “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Taking a child, he placed him in the their midst, and putting his arms around him, he said to them, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” Mark 9 Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4M2 Fax: (867) 393-6370 Upcoming DatesSemester One X-Block Dates
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