I hope that all is well with you and your family. Christ is risen, death is defeated, and the weather is improving. Things are all pointing in the right direction! News We have been experiencing an unusually frequent number of damaged laptop computers. Sure, some computers get worn out or need an upgrade, but this is different. This vandalism involves peeling off the keys and re-arranging them or leaving them off altogether. Unacceptable, I’m sure you will agree. Further, these repairs are shockingly expensive – often at $400 per computer. Anyone nostalgic for the old days? We will have to review our reliance on computers. Another problematic issue at Vanier continues to be the food card program. Turns out that some students are passing their cards along to other students who don’t have one. Ultimately, I don’t think it matters as the intent of the program was to feed hungry students, but for accounting and general comportment, we’ll need to look at this. If your child requires a food card, please contact the office. Enrollment for Grades Eight and Nine is full. We will likely have some spaces, but as we do have a protocol, and the order goes like this: Catholic students with siblings, Catholic students, students with siblings, and then others. The time of application only matters when all other criteria are equal. We simply do not have the room. Enough bad news… Monday, May 2 is a PD Day. Teachers will be up at Mt. Mac with other teachers and staff from the Catholic Schools of Whitehorse. Please, students, stay home on Monday. Sunday, May 1 the Catholic Education Association of Yukon is inviting all staff, students and families to attend mass at Sacred Heart at 10:30. Council members will be on hand and refreshments will be served afterward. The Grad Retreat is scheduled for May 16th. Grade 12s will be going downtown for activities and a scavenger hunt and then back to Riverdale for some bowling. Students will need to submit their signed consent forms ASAP! The yearbook class lead by professional photographer Ben van Klaveren has been busy capturing Vanier student life all year. Order your 2022 Yearbook online now by scanning the below QR code (or visit, selecting guarantee your copy, and choosing Vanier Catholic Secondary School from the list. There, you will be able to order the Yearbook for 40$. Be sure to get all orders in by May 14th! Don't miss out on the memories your child will cherish for years to come! School Council for Vanier was acclaimed this time. No election is necessary. Those new council members begin their two-year term in the fall. They are Monica Best, Marlon Davis, Desiree Martsinkiw, and Tyler White. Congratulations. Thanks to the outgoing school council. Finally, It’s a crazy ol’ world, isn’t it? Take care of yourselves, your family, and praise God every day. Blessings, Kyle Janzen, VCSS Principal Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
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