Lent Liturgy This is a whole school event at 11:00 on Tuesday, March 29 in the small gym. All are welcome! Breakfast/Lunch Program We have had to scale back considerably the food program sponsored by YFNED. We've gone over a few ideas on how to move forward. What we had figured, tickets, was determined to be unworkable. Now, we are going with green ten-punch cards for breakfast and lilac-coloured ten-punch cards for lunch. In order to receive these cards, students must be either Indigenous or in-need as determined by parents. Parents can send an email to [email protected] for students to get cards. Immunizations Grades 9 and 10 will have the opportunity to catch up on their immunizations, specifically Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) booster, and Meningococcal Quadrivalent on Thursday, March 31. Because of COVID, many current grade 10s missed their immunization. There is a consent process in place. You can go here: Written consent is a good idea, but this is how the above website explains consent: Consent for immunizations Consent to health care under the Care Consent Act, applies to a person of any age. That means that a person of any age can consent to their own health care as long as they are capable of understanding and appreciating the consequences of that decision.(s.6 (4) CCA) For the grade 9 immunization program, efforts will be first made to obtain parental/representative consent. If a student presents with or without parent/representative consent, it is the health care provider's professional responsibility to inform them about their right to provide consent on their own behalf despite the consent/refusal to consent given by the parent(s). Student Led Conferences, Report Cards, and Survey Report Cards are due into the office by Monday, April 4, so we should be able to get them out by the end of next week. We had scheduled Student-Led Conferences for Thursday, April 14, but then realized this is Maunday Thursday. So, we have rescheduled the Student-Led Conferences to Thursday, April 21 from 3:30 - 7:00 PM. We also moved the OurSchool Survey to the week of April 19-22. This is an online tool that will give students the opportunity to provide input about their experience here at Vanier. Finally, I have let the School Council, Superintendent and staff know that I will decline the role of Principal of Vanier for next year. This is a personal decision. Thank you for your support. Rest assured I will do all I can to ensure a smooth transfer and that all things are in place for the next school year. Blessings, Kyle Janzen, Principal VCSS Comments are closed.
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