Today is All Saints’ Day, the day after Hallowe’en. This Christian feast day dates back over 1000 years, but how many of us give it much consideration coming as it does in the shadow of Hallowe’en? Funny that we give so much more place in our culture to Hallowe’en, where images of death and decay are celebrated, and we give into to indulging in those treats we know are not good for us. Christ calls us to be Saints, not devils. Maybe we lose sight of that. The darkness that shrouds our Hallowe’en activities can be eclipsed as we try, often with difficulty, to be more like light. As a school, we have to prepare students for a future as adults in the workforce. As a Catholic school, we should also remember that we are preparing students for an eternity. Better to be saints than sinners. News The free lunch program that we enjoyed over the last month is now at an end. Instead, the cafeteria will provide free breakfast snacks during the first break in the morning. The Yukon First Nations’ Education Directorate will issue 10-lunch punch cards to Indigenous students. If you are experiencing food insecurity and require a punch card for your student, please contact the office at [email protected]. All calls are confidential. Lots of excellent Volleyball action this last weekend at Vanier. Thanks to all the athletes, coaches, and supporters. Good times! We’ll have a School Council meeting on Tuesday, Nov 2 at 7:00 in the Learning Commons. All are welcome. This week, the grade 12s will be completing their math and literacy assessments, many of which were not completed last year because of snow storms and internet outages. The big day for this is Tuesday, Nov 2 when 2/3 of grade 12s will write their assessments. Next week, a few notable things are happening:
Bless you all, Kyle Janzen, Principal VCSS Comments are closed.
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