This week we take the time to remember the sacrifices that so many have rendered to preserve us against those forces that seek our society’s destruction. Sounds exaggerated, perhaps, but only to those who have forgotten, or who have never known, the urgency in those times of peril. Without a sense of history, the whole Remembrance Day project just seems a holiday or an awkward, uncomfortable ceremony. We may well wonder how we would fare against such a threat if it were to emerge today. Many of those shipped off in the wars of the past were the age of our Grade 12s. Many were younger still. What a sacrifice – health, sanity, the obligation to kill, life itself. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Let us strive to be worthy of this sacrifice. This Week On Tuesday, Nov. 9, we will have our Remembrance Day Ceremony in the small gym at 11:00 (3rd block). Don’t forget to wear a poppy and a mask. Don’t forget that Remembrance Day, Thursday Nov 11, is a stat holiday. School will be closed. On Wednesday, Nov 10 we will have an early dismissal/PLC followed by Student-Led Conferences. These will take place from 3:30 to 7:00 in teacher’s classrooms. Teachers will be in attendance, but the real conversation should be between students and their people. Students will get a chance to show their work and talk about their learning progress. Staff will be in a meeting until 3:30. So, even though it is an early dismissal, please don’t expect teachers in their classrooms until 3:30. Friday, Nov 12 is a PD Day. Teachers will be examining the Review of Inclusive and Special Education Report. Students stay home. Food cards are being distributed to students in the office. These cards allow students to obtain a lunch special. Please note that these cards are for the lunch special only. Special orders slow down the line and are not always the healthiest option. While the special has, at times, French fries, this won’t be the usual. We have some new policy around allergy awareness. I’m afraid we cannot guarantee that Vanier is a nut-free location. While we don’t order any nut products for snacks, nor does the cafeteria use nut products, we can’t control what happens outside of school hours. Our entire school is open to the public for use – from the cafeteria to the Learning Commons to the gyms. We have no control over what those user groups bring in, so we cannot guarantee a nut-free school. We can, however, be aware of allergens and work to lessen their presence. We have a working awareness of students with allergies and have epi-pens in various locations about the school. You can view the policy on our website If there is something more you’d like us to look at, please let me know. [email protected] Our school name-change project is ongoing. No news yet. Report cards for Grades 8 and 9 should be in your mailboxes soon. We’ll get the Grade 10/11/12 out early this week. The Funeral Mass for Wanda Robbins will be held in our large gym on Nov. 20 at 10:30 AM. We will need volunteers to help with the set up on Friday evening and the take down Saturday afternoon. If you are interested in getting in some hours for your service learning, please contact our Religious Education Coordinator, Monica Best, or our all-round go-getting teacher Bruce Gillard. We also need volunteers for the Special Olympics Dinners on Friday Nov 26, Saturday, Nov 27, and Sunday, Nov 28. These can also count as service learning hours. Contact Ms. Best or Mr. Gillard. Finally, In Monday’s gospel reading from Luke, Jesus again gives us hard words to live by. “Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the one through whom they occur. It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. For those who are reading their gospels, this is no surprise. For those whom the gospels are more come-by-chance, Jesus’s admonitions and warnings don’t jive well. But think about it. Can we lead others into sin? Of course, when we sin ourselves. Who or what else can you control? Only yourself, and that with God’s grace. Blessings, Kyle Janzen, Principal VCSS Comments are closed.
16 Duke Road
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