First off, we are devastated with news of the sudden passing of Wanda Robbins, counsellor from CKES. Her official retirement was to be this November. Wanda was a principled and powerful presence in whatever role she played. We will miss her greatly. Our prayers and thoughts go out for her family, especially her children who will feel her absence keenly. Rest in Peace, dear friend. A memorial is being planned for mid-November, but we will have to finalize the date. Stay tuned. Violence at Vanier No doubt several of you have heard news about last weekend’s attack on a youth on Vanier school grounds. I want to assure everyone that no Vanier students were involved in this. This incident has no relation to our school community other than happening on our grounds. This is an active police investigation now. Awards Night Last night, Monday, Oct 25 at 7:00, was the Awards Night for the last academic year 2020-2021. We had well over 200 guests. Congratulations to all those who received awards. For those who weren’t there, we’ll send along your certificates in the mail. Confirmation Classes Confirmation classes have begun for those in grade 7 and over Wednesdays at 6:30 in the CYO Hall. For more information, contact the Rectory at [email protected]. Marinoske Art Auction for Braeburn Camp The artworks are currently set up in the Transportation Museum. You can have a look at items that are for immediate sale and those that will be on the auction block Friday whenever the museum is open. The auction begins at 6:00 on Friday Oct 29, but doors open at 4 PM. See you there. We have applied for a beverage license. You can find some images in an entry from Stella Martin on the Whitehorse Buy and Sell Facebook page. Grade 11 Retreat On Wednesday, Oct 27, those grade 11 students currently in World Religions will have a retreat here at Vanier. NET will be aiding in the action. Vaping at School Vapes, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc. are all not allowed at school. We are seeing an uptick in vaping – especially in the girls’ restroom. Vapes and other tobacco-type products and devices will be confiscated and destroyed if found on school property. If you have questions, please contact me at [email protected]. Hallowe’en Another Hallowe’en comes round. If you are planning on dressing up for Hallowe’en, please do so on Friday, Oct 29. Some costumes present issues. Please don’t wear any masks that obscure your face, and, please, no guns or other things that could be perceived as a credible weapon. Mid-Term Mid-term Reports will be submitted on Friday, Oct 29. Hopefully we can get these reports out by the middle of next week. Finally, In Monday’s gospel from Luke 13: 10-17, we read of the Pharisee’s giving Jesus trouble for curing a sick girl on the Sabbath. They claim that the Sabbath should be kept as a day of rest. Jesus lets them know that relieving suffering is not the sort of work that one should refrain from on any day. The Sabbath, as a day of rest, is something our culture doesn’t much observe any more. Reflecting on Wanda’s life, her commitment to her family, and her deep and abiding faith, let’s remember her memory and, if possible, make a holy day in the week for rest and family. We often live our lives as if we will never die. Making time for those in our lives that we love and reflection on our relationship with God does take time and commitment. Wanda was good at those things. Bless her, her family, and you. Kyle Janzen, Principal VCSS Comments are closed.
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